Minggu, 03 Februari 2013

Perilaku Konsumen

International Journal of Consumer Behavior

INTRODUCTION1.1 BackgroundAn understanding of consumer behavior is an important task for marketers. The marketers are trying to understand the buying behavior of consumers so that they can offer greater satisfaction to the consumer. But after some degree of consumer dissatisfaction will still be there. Some marketers are still not applying marketing concepts so that they are not consumer-oriented and do not view customer satisfaction as the primary goal. Furthermore as a tool to analyze consumer behavior is uncertain, marketers may not be able to accurately define what exactly can satisfy the buyer. Although marketers know the factors that increase customer satisfaction, they are not necessarily able to meet these factors.No doubt, consumers considered the most valuable asset for any business. Without their support, suatau business can not exist. Conversely, if we are successful business providing the best service, the consumer not only help our business grow. More than that, they will usually make a recommendation to friends and relations. According to Susan A. Friedmann, at least need to understand the "10 verses following" in order to sharpen the focus in serving consumers. Find out who the real boss. You're in business to serve the customer, and you can only do that if they wish to know. If you are really listening to consumers, they will explain what you want and how best to provide the best service for them. Do not forget that the "pay" our salaries and allow this business running is the consumer.Be a good listener. Take time to analyze consumer needs by asking questions and focus on what they have to say. Notice the words, tone of voice, body movements, and most importantly, how they feel. Keep away from these assumptions and intuitive thinking on consumer desires.

CHAPTER II2.2 DISCUSSIONTHEORY OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOURThe theory of consumer behavior that developed before the period of the 1960s was based on economic theory, which explains that a consumer will determine the quantity of commodities consumed in a way to maximize the satisfaction (utility). In menentuan quantity, consumers are faced with the constraints of income and commodity prices. Meanwhile, preferences and other variables are considered fixed or constant which is called ceteris paribus.In microeconomic theory, consumer theory considers only the quantity. Individual decisions of consumers derived from utility maximizing consumer behavior within the constraints of income as presented in the following formula:Therefore, preference and taste (taste) associated with human psychology, some experts developed the theory of consumer behavior by incorporating elements of psychology in consumer decision making. Psychological elements may include cognition, affect and behavior (psychomotor).Thus the theory of consumer behavior that developed in the 20th century is to apply the principles of psychology and economics. As outlined by Sumarwan (2004) that the development tersebur not escape the influence of scientists such as George Katona, Robert Ferker, John A Howard and Jogdish N Sheth.The benefits of consumer behavior, the role of consumer behavior varies depending on the beneficiaries or users (stakeholders). Generally, there are two user groups, ie groups of researchers (research) and group-oriented implementation (Peter and Olson, 1999). Beneficiaries belonging to the second group include: marketing organizations (marketers and producers), educational institutions and consumer protection, government and politics, as well as consumers (Peter and Olson, 1999 and Sumarwan, 2004). The role of consumer behavior for marketers or producers are able to:- Persuading consumers to buy products that are marketed.- Understand consumers behave, act and think, so marketers or producers are able to market their products well.- Understand why and how consumers make decisions, so marketers orThe role of consumer behavior for the organization of government and politics is the basis of public policy and legislation to protect consumers. In this case, the government is obliged to influence consumer choice through the banning of business products that harm consumers. For example, the withdrawal of milk products containing melamine ever undertaken by the Department of Health in collaboration with the Department of Trade and Industry in 2008. At the macro level, the Food Act has a positive impact on economic development, namely through increased production due to increased consumption as a result of collateral halal products (Sumarwan) 2004.Individual consumer groups and organizations will exchange resources held to meet their needs. So from consumer behavior to help achieve goals in meeting the needs of a wide range of products. Judging from the decision-making, consumer consists of potential consumers (consumer potencial) or prospective customers and customers who have made a purchase (Effective Consumer).Approach to studying consumers into buying goods, there are two approaches:1. Cardinal Approach2 Ordinal Approach.PendekatanKardinalSatisfaction a consumer to consume a thing can be measured in satisfaction of such currency. Each additional unit of goods consumed will increase consumer satisfaction gained a certain amountAdditional satisfaction gained from increasing the number of goods consumed is called the marginal satisfaction (Marginal Utility) Applicable law of diminishing additional satisfaction (The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility), the magnitude of the marginal satisfaction will always decrease with increasing amount of goods consumed continuously.Ø Consumer Balance• Balance is achieved when consumers get consumers maximum satisfaction from consuming a product:Terms Balance:1. MU / Px = muy / Py = MUN / Pn2. Qx Px + Py + ...... + QY Pn Qn = MMU = marginal utilityP = priceM = consumer incomeØ Ordinal ApproachWeaknesses of the approach lies in the assumption that the cardinal used that customer satisfaction from consuming goods can be measured by the satisfaction. Padakenyataannya such measurements difficult.Ordinal approach to measure customer satisfaction with the ordinal number (relative).Level of customer satisfaction by using the indifference curve (the curve that shows the quantity of goods consumed combinations that produce the same level of satisfaction).Ø Basic Concept of Consumer BehaviorConsumer behavior is the process through which the person / organization in finding, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of a product or service after consumption to meet their needs. Consumer behavior will be demonstrated in several stages, the stage prior to purchase, purchase, and after the purchase. At this stage of the consumer before purchase to search information related to products and services. At this stage of the purchase, consumers will buy the product, and at the stage of purchase, consumers make consumption (use of the product), the evaluation of product performance, and ultimately dispose of the product after use.Consumers may be an individual or an organization, they have a different role in the behavior of consumption, they may act as initiator, influencer, buyer, payer or user.In an effort to better understand their customers so as to meet the needs and desires of consumers, companies can classify customers into groups that have certain similarities, namely grouping grouping by geography, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral.Ø Consumer Behavior and StrategyConsumer behavior related to marketing strategies, where the marketing should be able to draw up criteria for the establishment of consumer segments, and then do the grouping and develop the profile of the consumer. Then, marketers choose one to be the target market segments. And after that, marketers formulate and implement a comprehensive marketing mix strategy for the segment.The study of consumer behavior can not be separated on the issue of marketing research. Marketing research is one tool in the Management Information Systems (MIS), which is the collection of information about the attitudes, motivations, desires, and other things about the consumer. This information is used as the basis for the formation of the characteristics of the consumer segment so that consumers can be grouped and identified, and can be distinguished from other segments.REVIEW :
The theory of consumer behavior that developed before the period of the 1960s was based, in economic theory, benefit the consumer behavior, consumer behavior roles vary significantly depending on the beneficiaries or users (stakeholders). Individual consumer groups and organizations will exchange resources held to meet their needs. So from consumer behavior to help achieve goals in meeting the needs of a wide range of products.


Interaksi Framing Pesan dan Merasakan Keterlibatan dalam Konteks Iklan Ponsel

Latar Belakang                                   
            Latar belakang penelitiannya adalah untuk menyelidiki hubungan antara kata-kata iklan cetak dan minat konsumen dalam kaitannya dengan promosi ponsel.

Rumusan dan Batasan Masalah
            Selandia Baru dipilih sebagai konsumen, mereka telah ditemukan untuk menghasilkan respon yang berbeda terhadap masalah iklan terkait.

Tujuan  Penelitian
            Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pesan framing yang paling tepat  untuk disajikan kepada konsumen.

1.     Populasi dan Sample à Negara Selandia Baru
2.    Teknik pengumpulan data à data sekunder
3.    Variabel Penelitian
§  Jenis Variabel à dependent

4.    Instrumen Penelitian à data-data hasil penelitian terdahulu
5.    Metode Analisi Data à
·         Keterlibatan Manipulasi
·         Farming Manipulasi
·         Manipulasi cek

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsumen merasa bahwa keterlibatan dampak framing pada ponsel memiliki tingkat moderat tinggi. Hasil ini konsisten dengan hipotesis kami yang membingkai pesan negatif akan lebih persuasif dalam kondisi keterlibatan tinggi, dan bahwa frame positif akan lebih persuasif dalam keterlibatan rendah.
Secara keseluruhan, studi ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat keterlibatan konsumen sangat penting ketika menilai iklan framing efek yang pada gilirannya menunjukkan berbagai implikasi yang menarik. Isu apa yang kemudian harus strategi iklan pertimbangkan ketika membangun iklan ponsel? Ia akan muncul bahwa strategi optimal adalah untuk menyajikan konsumen sangat terlibat dengan informasi negatif dibingkai. Sebaliknya, bagi konsumen keterlibatan rendah, informasi harus positif dibingkai.

Review :
Seperti kebanyakan penelitian, ada sejumlah keterbatasan dalam penelitian ini, yang harus diakui. Sebagai contoh, sampel siswa yang dipekerjakan membatasi generalisability hasil. Jadi, temuan tidak boleh diekstrapolasikan untuk populasi lain seperti orang bisnis senior. Terkait dengan keterbatasan ini adalah paparan lingkungan buatan, yang juga merupakan tantangan bagi validitas eksternal. Lebih khusus, percobaan laboratorium seperti penelitian ini, cenderung tinggi dalam validitas internal dan validitas eksternal rendah

Sumber :  http://irmachubbiy.blogspot.com/2010/11/review-jurnal-perilaku-konsumen.html